Reserve Repack (Drop off / Collection)


Here at Freefall Gear Store we are offering Skydive Rig Reserve repack services in both Cambridge (at our office) and Nottingham (at Skydive Langar). If you would like to have your reserve repacked please get in touch to book a date for this. You can pay for your reserve repack online or in person.

This is a drop off / collection service only. We do not currently ship rigs for repacks. If you wanted to wait, maybe consider visiting our office and go into Cambridge city centre for a couple of hours while we pack your reserve (subject to prior arrangement only).

Our customers typically come from the following areas for their repacks: Cambridge, Peterborough, Ipswich, Norfolk, Nottingham, Leicester, Lincoln, London.


Whats included in a reserve repack?

We take great care when performing your reserve repack. Without listing everything, this is what we perform when repacking your reserve (there is a full list of what is inspected which you can read on your record of inspection sheet after receiving your repacked reserve):

  • Full inspection of container condition, harness condition and ancillary components.
  • Inspect and clean both cutaway and reserve cables.
  • Air out and inspect the reserve parachute. Including inspecting the line condition, sequence and stitching.
  • Change the reserve closing loop.
  • Repack reserve parachute.
  • Air out and inspect main parachute. Check line condition, sequence and stitching. If we notice any excessive wear on your parachute or lines we will notify you.
  • Inspect condition of deployment bags and pilot chutes.
  • Check condition of bungees and main closing loop. Replace if necessary free of charge.
  • Repack the main parachute.
  • Check that the cutaway system operates correctly.
  • Test the pull force of your reserve parachute deployment system.

All of the works is completed by a British Skydiving Advanced Packer (AP391).

If you have received a new rig or new parachute components we can also assemble and install new components for you for an aditional cost. If you buy the Rig from us then we will do the first assembly and reserve pack free of charge as part of our after sales service.

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